16 Jul 2025 | 2.30pm | Rausing Building
£7 (includes tea & cake)
Tickets will be available soon online & in Museum

The construction of the Cotswold Canals in the late 18th Century was hugely challenging, but paid great dividends not least for the development of the textiles industry in the Stroud valleys. No less challenging today is the task that the Cotswold Canals Trust has set itself to restore the canals to working order after many years of neglect, thus providing a wide range of economic, social and environmental benefits for the local community. The talk will explore these issues, outlining the restoration work that has been completed to date and what remains to be done.
Mike Howarth is the Cotswold Canals Trust Co-Ordinator for Guided Walks along the Canal Towpath.
2.30pm doors open for tea and cake
3.00pm talk will start